On 27.10. 2018 the meeting of experts in the field of occupational safety and health was held at the headquarters of BOZPO company.
Workshop program:
- Opening of the workshop and information on the OSH management system from the preparatory to the implementation phase of the new investments, presented by Ing. J. Donič, President of the Common Vision.
- Activities of the Common Vision, presented by Ing. M. Foltín.
- Current state of OSH in the SR, Ing. T. Pacekova, MPSVaR SR
- Legislative requirements for mining activities on site, Ing. B. Néč, OBÚ
- joint and retrieved sites, Mgr. M. Bednárová, Inspectorate of Labor Trenčín
- OSH status on construction sites by labour inspectorate, Ing. R. Jurašík, Labor Inspectorate Trenčín
- Drug tester, Mr. Kačer, Lindrowe
- Activities of the Common Vision Czech Republic
- Work at heights, Bc. O. Kováč, BOZPO, s.r.o.
- Collective safety measures for work at heights, Mr. Plaisant, DIMOS