On 16 – 17 March 2018, the O.Z. common vision together p. Ivan Pekár attended the General Assembly of ISHCCO (International Organization of Safety Coordinators at the Construction Site), at ELIAS BEACH HOTEL, at CYPRE, whose member for the Slovak Republic is the civic association Common Vision (member of the company).
The agenda of the conference focused on, among other things, the security of coordination and the dangers of coordination. The aim of the meeting was and continues to be to specify the uniform certification of the safety coordinator and to evaluate the activities of the working groups.
Representative O.Z. a common vision in relation to the above-mentioned goal of achieving a uniform certification of the safety coordinator invited ISHCCO members to the INCOBOZ 2018 international conference. O.Ž. the common vision is for a single certification and tries to spread this idea, respectively. to discuss it (present) in organized INCOBOZ conferences.