Experts from the European Commission appreciated Slovakia's progress in the fight against illegal work

The issue of paying part of the wage “on hand”, the implementation of the so-called false trade, or the wider application of preventive measures to combat undeclared work. These are just some of the issues addressed by experts from the Platform against Undeclared Work during a meeting with representatives of the National Labor Inspectorate, the Central Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family, the Social Insurance Agency, the Border and Alien Police Office and the Slovak Financial Administration at the end of September last year. 

One of the outcomes of last year’s negotiations was a set of 16 recommendations to combat undeclared work more effectively in all forms as perceived by the European Union. After a year, the members of the evaluation group returned to Slovakia to verify how Slovakia has handled the Platform’s recommendations in twelve months. “You have accomplished much more than you stated in your evaluation report,” summed up the conclusions of the meeting Colin C. Williams of the University of Sheffield, one of the members of the expert group. The working meeting was held on 19 September 2019 at the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic. As the Head of Delegation Johannes van Weeren from the Netherlands added, during the discussion with the representatives of the National Labor Inspectorate and the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, the members of the expert group had the opportunity to convince in the original recommendations “. “The year is a short time for you to implement everything, but I think you are on a very good path and the outcome of today’s negotiations is a set of advice and guidance on how to proceed,” he said.

The Director of the Labor Inspection Department of the National Labor Inspectorate Miroslava Mošonová appreciated the openness of the representatives of the Platform against Undeclared Work, and said the meeting was very useful. “We have had a year of hard work, but we have not finished yet,” said Miroslava Mošonová. In this context, she added that the National Labor Inspectorate has developed several major pilot projects and is also preparing a campaign on undeclared work entitled Work legally. As part of this campaign, NIP is preparing a series of publications, leaflets, as well as audiovisual materials to highlight the harmfulness of undeclared work in terms of distorting employment conditions and to support efforts to combat these phenomena.


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